Lunes, Marso 2, 2015

Name: Angelie Flor M. Yamson BSIT-III

Chapter 4 Case Study

1.       Your friend is considering using an online service to identify people with compatible personalities and attractive physical features who would be interesting to date. Your friend must first submit some basic personal information then complete a five-page personality survey, and finally provide several recent photos. Would you advise your friend to do this? Why or why not?
 Of course No, because this idea might not be safe or good for the security of my friend. I could say that it’s not secure enough because going into a date must be ask or planned personally by a group or the person involve with it. By the situation, I rather find a guy who is interested with my friend than letting her engage into an online service which is basically unsafe for a reason that he or she didn’t know the background of such person that my friend is going out with. As we all knew that there are lot of online scam are spreading today which results in fooling a person and the worst is into a crime. I don’t want to put my friends in danger. I care about them and I disagree online services in identifying people who are interested to her or him.

2. You are a recent college graduate with only a year of experience with your employer. You were recently promoted to manager of email services. You are quite surprised to receive a phone call at home on a Saturday from the Chief Financial Officer of the firm asking that you immediately delete all email from all email servers, including the achieve and back-up servers that are older than six months. He states that the reason for this request is that there have been an increasing number of complaints about the slowness of email services. In addition, he says he is concerned about the cost of storing so much email. This does not sound right to you because you have taken several measures that have actually speeded up email services. You recall a brief paragraph in the paper last week that stated several suppliers were upset about what they called “prince fixing” among the companies in you industry. What do you say to the Chief Financial Officer?
Just because he is my Chief Financial Officer I will respect his request to delete all email from all email services. And I also appreciate his concerned about that costing of storing that email. But before that I ask first a permission to keep a copy for future references before deleting it. Because what if someone look for a certain email that one of the older.  

3. You have 15 years of experience in sales and marketing with three different organizations. You currently hold a middle management position and have been approach by a headhunter to make a move to a company seeking a chief privacy officer. The headhunter claims the position would represent a good move for you in your career path and lead to an eventual vice president of marketing position. You are not sure about the exact responsibilities of the CPO position or what authority the person in this position would have at this particular company. How would you go about evaluating this opportunity to determine if it actually is a good career move or a dead end?
                In my 15 years of experience in sales and marketing is of course I want to promote or improve my position. But before receiving or accepting that position given to me, is I will evaluate first if it is good to me, what are those responsibilities, if there are benefits or what are those benefits. And if I deserve it, I will accept and I can say that it is the start of my good career.

4. As the information systems manager for a small manufacturing plant, you are responsible for anything relating to the use of information technology. A new inventory control system is being implemented to track the quantity and movement of all finished products stored in a local warehouse. Each time a forklift operator moves a case of product, he or she must first scan the product identifier code on the case. The product information is captured, as is the day, time and forklift operator identification number. This data is transmitted over a local area network (LAN) to the inventory control computer, which then displays information about the case and where it should be placed in the warehouse.
                The warehouse manager is excited about using case movement data to monitor worker productivity. He will be able to tell how many cases per shift each operator moves and he plans to use this data to provide performance feedback that could result in pay increases or termination. He has asked you if there are any potential problems with using the data in this manner and, if so, what should be done to avoid them. How would you respond?
                I think there is a problem regarding that data to provide performance feedback that could result in pay increase or termination. But it’s good that there is a performance feedback because it can help to you to know where your time to adjust is. The problem is many data uses and too much data are make slowness. And to avoid this is you provide performance feedback in just a week, month, or year.

5. You have been asked to help developed  a company policy on what should be done in the event of a data breach, such as unauthorized access to your firm’s customer database,which contains some 1.5 million records. What sort of process would you use to develop such a policy? What resources would you call on?

                I will develop a company policy that the unauthorized cant access just likes people who are not in that certain company. And make a customer database that can store more than 1.5 millions of records that the process is fast. And if ever the process is slow because of too much records, sort it with by letter, month or by year. Just databases your policy in order to access or view quickly. 

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